underground railroad

Stand Alone Task
Teachers College Reading & Writing Project
NYC Department of Education
No votes yet
English / Language Arts
History / Social Studies
Elementary (K-5)

This set of performance assessment materials (2013-14 version) is intended to be completed in the Spring of Fifth Grade as a second round of assessments, if appropriate for your class (see Fall Fifth Grade assesment linked below for additional materials designed to be administered earlier in the...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Becky L. Culbert
Danielle M. Painton
No votes yet
History / Social Studies
4, 5
Elementary (K-5)

During the mid 1800's, many slaves risked their lives to escape from their slave owners and achieve freedom. How could they do this without being caught? Who would help them along their way to freedom? The state of Pennsylvania provided key locations that made it easier for slaves to escape to...