Declaration of Independence

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Laura Billings
Brooke Mabry
Terry Roberts
Melissa Hedt
Eleanor Dougherty
No votes yet
History / Social Studies
U.S. History
11, 12
High (9-12)

This module asks students to perform a close reading of two important Humanities Texts: the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Declaration of Sentiments (1848). For this reason, Skills Cluster 2: Reading Process will be repeated during the instructional process for this module. The...

Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Susan Weston
Gary McCormick
Average: 3 (1 vote)
History / Social Studies
U.S. History
7, 8, 9, 10
Middle (6-8)
High (9-12)

Students reconstruct the colonial argument for dissolving ties to Great Britain. Main steps of the learning process include:

  • Close reading of the first two paragraphs of the Declaration, with primary attention to the claim about when revolution is justified.
  • Task engagement
  • ...
Curriculum Embedded Task
Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC)
Beth Ann Sahd
Lindsay Sigman
Average: 5 (1 vote)
English / Language Arts
American Literature
10, 11
High (9-12)

Authors of both nonfiction and fiction have defined the American Dream and offered varying viewpoints on the extent to which America fulfills the ideas implicit in this dream.

In this module, students will examine multiple texts and then frame an analysis as to whether or not, or to what...